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8.3 Radioactive waste

Radioactive waste is divided up into low-level radioactive waste, medium-level radioactive waste and high level radioactive waste, as well as liquid scintillation solution. For radioactive waste, the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority´s (SSM) rules as well as Lund University´s local rules are to be followed.

Quality handbook for radioactive waste

There must be a quality handbook (journal) in which all low-level radioactive, medium-level radioactive and high-level radioactive waste is registered. The information must be saved for at least five years.

Low-level radioactive waste

This category includes: 

  • Low-level radioactive waste, < 5 uSv/h, < 1 ALImin, < 50 kBq.
  • Low-level radioactive scintillation vials. (Non radioactive scintillation vials are chemical waste)

All materials that may have become contanimated must be thoroughly cleaned or properly disposed of. These materials would include glassware, wipes, gloves, spill pads, pipettes, and so forth.

Waste handling

If the waste is sharp it should be put in a "sharps container" or a similar plastic container.

The waste must be packed in a designated brown cardboard box for chemical waste and according to its content (e.g. sharp in plastic container).

The boxes can be picked up at the janitors office. The unlabeled box includes a plastic bag.

  • Pack the waste in plastic bag. If the waste contains liquid, fill the plastic bag with some form of absorbent material, e.g. vermiculite, in an amount sufficient to absorb the entire liquid content.
  • Place the bag with its contents in the brown cardboard box.
  • Do not close the plastic bag or the box, wait for SYSAV Industri.
  • Write the sender details (your name, contact info) in the preprinted fields on the box.
  • Label as "low radioactive waste" (pictured below) and place the label well visible on the top of the box.

Printable label for low radioactive waste

In case of uncertainty regarding packaging, contact SYSAV Industri. They will advice you on packaging and if requested, they will handle the packaging of the waste. The Lund University radiation safety physicist can also answer questions about waste handling and packaging.

To schedule a collection of waste

Fill in the form for removal of low-level radioactive waste. The form is found and downloaded on Waste, hazardous waste and recycling - Staff pages. The form is also available in Swedish on Avfall, farligt avfall och källsortering - Medarbetarwebben

Cans and bottles without label should be marked with a label for chemical waste or low radioactive waste, download it from 8.Waste handling - Department of chemistry sharepoint (login with Lucat).

SYSAV will contact you and schedule a pickup. On the day of the pick-up, two copies of the form should be signed by you and the person collecting the chemicals. Your copy should be stored at the division/centre for future reference.

Medium and highly radioactive waste

This waste material must remain (be kept) at the deparment/division until agreement on appropriate disposal of waste has been made with radiation safety physicist Hanna Holstein.

A label with information on radionuclide, person in charge and radioactivity at the time of packing must be pasted onto the box. The box must be stored correctly according to instructions from the radiation safety physicist.

Any questions regarding radiation waste and safety should be directed to safety physicist Hanna Holstein.

Hanna Holstein

Radiation safety physicist
+46 (0) 46 - 222 01 93

Page Manager: | 2022-06-13