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8. Waste Handling

Lund University and Kemicentrum strives to make as low impact on the environment as possible and at the same time keep our co-workers safe. By sorting waste in the right way we can do this. To encourage your work, all waste handling is free of charge.

Waste is handled by SYSAV Industri AB and there are some rules to follow for proper disposal collecting:

  • Label the wastes with content and relevant pictograms
  • Prepare goods declaration for transporting infectious waste
  • Fill-in form for removal of chemical waste and low-level radioactive waste
  • Transport the waste to permitted storage or disposal facility
  • Contact SYSAV for pick-up

The necessery forms and more information regarding waste handling (Waste Management Handbook) can be found in the right column and in chapter 8.1-8.7.

Waste management advisor

SYSAV Kemi is the waste management advisor for Lund University. Contact SYSAV for advice regarding transportation of hazardous waste. See right column.


Biljana Kiceec

Waste management advisor, Kemiavdelningen SYSAV
040-635 27 72

Johan Tejler 

Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Coordinator
+46 (0) 46 222 31 11

Fill-in the form for pick up of chemical waste.

  • Removal of chemical waste 
  • Removal of low-level radioactive waste
  • Goods declaration for infectious and sharp pointed

All forms are found and downloaded on Waste, hazardous waste and recycling - Staff pages.

The forms are also available in Swedish on Avfall, farligt avfall och källsortering - Medarbetarwebben.

Page Manager: | 2021-11-10