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5.8 Gases

Doors to room where gas cylinders are stored must be marked with a sign/pictogram. This sign is intended as guidance and a warning to fire fighters in the event of a fire.

Regulations also require that this sign/pictogram be removed from the door when gas cylinders are no longer present in the room. Incorrect placement of such a sign may result in fire fighters avoiding extinguishing a fire in a room, due to the risk of explosion, when in fact no gas cylinders are being stored in that room.

Check that the correct gas cylinder with the correct valve or reduction valve is being used. Gas cylinders must only be coupled to a reduction valve labelled with the same gas as that stated on the gas cylinder itself. Note that only approved gas hoses may be used with gas cylinders.

When transporting compressed gas cylinder use gas cylinder cart. The pressure regulator should be removed before transport of the cylinder. The cylinders should be handled with care and not exposed to shock or impact. They should not be placed in a location where they will be exposed to high temperatures, nor where they may be easily knocked over. All compressed gas cylinders must be stored with the safety cap in place when it not in use and always be chained when stored (not around the valve) in such a way that they can be released easily and rapidly when necessary. Alternatively they should be kept in one of the wheeled racks designated for gas cylinders.

Building I: Only 20-liter gas tubes may be stored in the gas cabinets in Building I, as mandated by the Swedish Work Environment Authority. Because of the high elevation of the floors of the gas cabinets, there is too high risk of 50-liter gas tubes falling over when one is attempting to store them.

Collect as much information as possible about the gas you are going to use. Study the product safety information sheets carefully. If you have any further questions, please contact the gas supplier.

The Swedish Work Environment Authority´s Statute Book (AFS, Arbetsmiljöverkets författningssamling) and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency´s regulations and advice (MSBFS) can also be of use

The Swedish Work Environment Authority:

Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency

  • MSBFS 2020:1 'Handling of flammable gas and aerosols' (Föreskrifter om hantering av brandfarlig gas och brandfarliga aerosoler) 
  • MSBFS 2013:3 'Permission to handle flammable goods' (Tillstånd till hantering av brandfarlig vara)
  • SRVFS 2004:7 ’Handling of flammable gases and liquids in high-explosion-risk environments’.

Compressed gases are indicated under GHS by the gas cylinder pictogram and the hazard statement "Contains gas under pressure".

Compressed gas cylinder should be marked with this pictogram.

Laboratories and storage rooms containing compressed gases should be marked with this pictogram.

Page Manager: | 2022-06-13