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5.11 Biological substances

There are special rules regarding work with biological substances, genetically modified organisms (GMO), and genetically modified microorganisms (GMM). An application is required for permission prior to certain work.

Biohazard material should be marked with this label and a describing text.

Cupboards and rooms containing biohazards should be marked with this label.

Genetically modified microorganisms (GMM) and Genetically modified organisms (GMO)

Included forms will provide you with more information and forms for reporting or applying for permits regarding work involving GMM and GMO.

The response time from the Swedish Work Environment Authority concering GMM in F activity and L activity is 45 days after the application has been submitted.

The response time from Swedish Board of Agriculture concerning handling of GMO is 90 days after the application has been submitted for a premises permit and 45 days for registration of organisms.


  • Registration/notification form for F-activities
  • Form for updating the F-activity 

These forms are found at Notification and permission for GMMs - Arbetsmiljöverket, and are sent to 


Form for notification/permit of contained use of genetically modified plants- Jordbruksverket (in Swedish)

Send form via e-mail or postal services to:  



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