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6.4 After an accident

Work incident

An incident occurring during work or while travelling to and from work is regarded as a work incident if it could have led to an accident or injury.

The responsible manager follows the routine stated on the staff pages. For information and incident report in Swedish, go to: Tillbud och arbetsskada | HR-webben.

All accidents and occupational injuries/incidents of a serious nature should be reported to the Swedish Work Environment Authority immediately. A written report of what happened and the measures to be taken must be sent within three weeks. In cases where reporting is obviously neglected, the Swedish Work Environment Authority may initiate legal proceedings.

Reporting incidents

Incidents are defined as undesired events or situations that could have led to work related health problems, illness or accidents. Incidents are to be reported to the line manager via the IA system which is the University´s system for digital reporting of incidents and occupational injuries.

Read more and report the incident at Reporting occupational injuries and accidents - Staff pages

All reports of occupational incidents are to be followed up by the responsible manager together with health and safety represenative to investigate what happened and what can be done to prevent anything similar happening again.

Incidents are defined as undesired events or situations that could have led to work related health problems, illness or accidents.

An incident report should be filled out and signed by the head of division/department and the Safety representative (skyddsombud) and sent to Registrar (Registrator, hämtställe 62) and or to the Environment, Health and Safety coordinator at Kemicentrum.

Employees may help students to report the incident via the IA system which is the University´s system for digital reporting of incidents and occupational injuries.

Read more and download the incident report at Reporting occupational injuries and accidents - Staff pages

The responsible manager follows the routine stated on the staff pages. For information and incident report in Swedish, go to: Tillbud och arbetsskada | HR-webben.

Reporting injuries

The following types of occupational injuries must be reported:

  • work accidents
  • accidents on the way to or from work
  • occupational illnesses
  • violence or abuse
  • infectious diseases 

Injuries are to be reported to the line manager via the IA system which is the University´s system for digital reporting of incidents and occupational injuries.

Reporting occupational injuries and accidents - Staff pages

Occupational injury report form in Swedish - The Swedish Social Insurance Agency 

The employee’s injuries shall be reported and investigated by the employer, the head of department, and EHS committee. A report shall be made in consultation with the safety representative (skyddsombud) and usually with the injured person.

The head of division/department is obliged to report work injuries that an employee claims to have suffered. The Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) decides whether an occupational injury has occurred.

Personal injury reports shall be completed for students and doctoral students in the following cases:

  • accidents at the university
  • accidents while travelling to or from the university
  • certain cases of infectious disease

Reporting occupational injuries and accidents - Staff pages

Claim form, Personal injury students - Kammarkollegiet (Sv)

Claim form, Personal injury students - Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Eng)

Occupational injury report form in Swedish- The Swedish Social Insurance Agency

Two reports, the Claim form and the Occupational injury form, are need to be filled out and signed by both the student and the University.

In signing the report, the University confirms both that the report applies to an individual covered by its insurance policy, and where possible, that the injury occurred during university hours or during direct travel between the place of residence and the site of study. 

The signed report shall be sent to the Registrar, HS 62. Student Affairs then forwards the report to the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet)

Copies of the report shall be destributed immediately:

  • to the safety representative
  • to the Environment Health & Safety coordinator at Kemicentrum
  • to the head of the department
  • and save a copy of the report for your own documentation.

Employees may help students to report the incident via the IA system which is the University´s system for digital reporting of incidents and occupational injuries.

Accidents/incidents involving flammable material

If the handling of flammable material that needs a license results in an accident or incident it should be reported to the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) and Räddningstjänsten syd. There are two forms that should be used after an incident  or accident.

In case of gas alarm an incident report should also be sent to the Environment Department (Miljöförvaltningen).

More info

Page Manager: | 2021-11-10